Teeth cleaning


Ultrasound teeth cleaning

Instead of visiting your vet and having your dog put under general anaesthetic for several hundreds of pounds, you can have some mini teeth cleaning sessions using the latest ultrasound technology which cleans without movement, vibration or noise & working with the special tooth paste to shatter the tarter and kill the bacteria in your dog's mouth.

I recommend a dedicated Teeth Cleaning Appointment initially.

And to get your dogs teeth back to being tartar free and potentially ultra-white again, like the picture below, then this can take up to 4 x 45 minute sessions.  But once we have achieved this, then I recommend adding the teeth cleaning service as part of your grooming schedule with me. 30 minute Ultrasound Teeth Cleaning - from £17.

Please note: Your dog must accept the mouth and teeth to be touched for us to be able to provide this service. Please try this at home before you book.

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